Energy flux in 2‐D MHD waveguide in the outer magnetosphere
Author(s) -
Mazur V. A.,
Chuiko D. A.
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
journal of geophysical research: space physics
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
eISSN - 2169-9402
pISSN - 2169-9380
DOI - 10.1002/2016ja023632
Subject(s) - magnetosphere , physics , magnetopause , magnetohydrodynamics , instability , dissipation , waveguide , computational physics , normal mode , energy flux , solar wind , mechanics , geophysics , magnetic field , optics , acoustics , quantum mechanics , astronomy , vibration , thermodynamics
Abstract The problems of large‐scale wave propagation and amplification in the outer magnetosphere are considered. Kelvin‐Helmholtz (KH) instability growth rate of the magnetospheric waveguide eigenmodes is investigated as a function of a coordinate along the magnetopause. The problem of solar wind MHD wave penetration into the waveguide is investigated for a broad range near Pc3 and Pc5 geomagnetic pulsation frequencies and realistic models of the magnetospheric waveguide. The expression for the waveguide eigenmode energy flux is obtained. This expression includes the effects of external wave penetration and mode amplification due to the KH instability, as well as losses due to dissipation in the vicinity of the Alfven resonance which are incorporated into the growth rate coefficient together with the instability.