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Premium Ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunnelling microscopy studies of the decapped InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001) surface after desorption of a protective As layer
Bolotov L. N.,
Nakamura A.,
Evtikhiev V. P.,
Tokranov V. E.,
Titkov A. N.
Publication year1999
Publication title
surface and interface analysis
Resource typeJournals
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons
Abstract The morphology and electronic properties of InAs quantum dots(QDs) on the GaAs(001) surface has been studiedby ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopyafter removal of a preliminary deposited protective As layer. Athermal annealing procedure has been developed, which, applied to asample with an As cap layer, allows InAs QDs to be opened on thesurface of an InAs wetting layer (WL) exhibiting a[2×4] reconstruction of As dimers. Scanningtunnelling spectroscopy measurements on the decapped surface showthat I – V characteristics taken with themicroscope tip positioned over single InAs QDs have a smaller voltagewidth for zero conductivity (d I /d V =0) when compared with those taken over the InAs WL,which are essential the same as the I – V characteristics for a clean GaAs surface. This observation seems toindicate a weakening of the surface band bending in the areas beneathInAs QDs. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Subject(s)adsorption , analytical chemistry (journal) , annealing (glass) , band bending , chemistry , chromatography , composite material , desorption , layer (electronics) , materials science , microscopy , nanotechnology , optics , optoelectronics , organic chemistry , physics , quantum dot , quantum mechanics , quantum tunnelling , scanning tunneling microscope , spectroscopy , wetting layer
SCImago Journal Rank0.52

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