Author(s) -
Marek J. Mrugala
Publication year - 1999
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Reports
DOI - 10.2172/862150
Subject(s) - rock mass classification , excavation , geology , geotechnical engineering , mining engineering , engineering
The process of underground excavation design is being performed in several phases to satisfy the requirements of Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP). These phases were conceptualized to satisfy increasingly focused requirements as the YMP progresses and more detailed site characterization data are acquired. At the time that initial design analyses were prepared, the rock mass parameters were derived from the exploratory core drillings, and as such their values were considered preliminary. Field evidence was needed to verify the magnitudes of these parameters. According to the respective YMP procedures, incomplete data that require further verification are flagged by the TBV (To Be Verified) designation and data that are not available are flagged by the TBD (To Be Determined) designation. Field mapping activities performed during the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) Main Loop (i.e., the North Ramp, Main Drift, and South Ramp) tunnel excavation resulted in accumulation of the field data that enlarge and complement the initial, core-derived rock property database. To date, a number of the ESF design confirmation analyses have been completed in a form of topical reports. These reports were prepared to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 60.141, ''Confirmation of Geotechnical and Design Parameters''. The design confirmation analyses are documentary in nature and provide a detailed account of the origin and derivation of rock mass parameters. The successive enlargement of the initial, core-derived rock property database created the need for development of meaningful procedures for data interpretation. In effect, each rock parameter has been represented by several values ranging in magnitudes. In a subsequent analysis (CRWMS M&O 1998a) the data were evaluated for consistency. The values of rock property data included in the topical analyses summarize both the initial core-derived and the field-obtained rock property data. Evaluation and verification of the data obtained following quality assurance procedures (qualified data) provides the evidence needed to remove the TBV and TBD flags. This report presents the intact rock data and rock mass property data that have been determined as a result of laboratory investigations of rock core samples and geological mapping performed in the ESF Main Loop. In general, based on the performed data analyses, it is recommended that the data obtained from the full peripheral mapping be used in underground design. The two main objectives of this report are as follows: (1) Develop a document that in a concise form lists the design parameters. This document may require future updates as the new or additional data become available. (2) Close the TBVs and TBDs associated with the data related to ground support design as documented in the ground control System Description Document (SDD) (CRWMS M&O 1998b)