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Antidiabetic activity of thin film containing astaxanthin-loaded nanoemulsion using carboxymethylcellulose sodium polymer on alloxan-induced diabetic rabbit
Author(s) -
Lusi Nurdianti,
Taofik Rusdiana,
Iyan Sopyan
Publication year - 2020
Publication title -
journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology and research
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.325
H-Index - 33
eISSN - 2231-4040
pISSN - 0976-2094
DOI - 10.4103/japtr.japtr_55_20
Subject(s) - astaxanthin , alloxan , diabetes mellitus , insulin , chemistry , medicine , pharmacology , endocrinology , biochemistry , carotenoid

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