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open-access-imgOpen AccessReimagining the Anthropocene in the Search for Human Security: Humans as Creating Creatures
Lautensach Sabina W.
Publication year2024
Publication title
zeitschrift für pädagogik und theologie
Resource typeJournals
PublisherDe Gruyter
The Anthropocene poses daunting challenges to humanity in the form of a polycrisis with diverse manifestations. Both the definition of the epoch and its challenges stem from our ecological overload and the domination over the biosphere by human endeavors. An organized transition to a sustainable future, as well as educational efforts to expedite it, will depend on the extent of human agency at the individual and collective levels. An analysis of precedents and current trends suggests poor chances for a successful transition out of the initial causation phase of the Anthropocene, despite our collective culpability. More likely are multiple transitions that take diverse regional approaches, with varying success rates. As human agency becomes increasingly constrained, hopes for creative solutions focus on local communities, positive deviants, and counterhegemonic education.
Keyword(s)Anthropocene, sustainability, human security, agency, polycrisis

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