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open-access-imgOpen AccessDendritic spines and their role in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders
Akhgari Aisan,
Michel Tanja Maria,
Vafaee Manouchehr Seyedi
Publication year2024
Publication title
reviews in the neurosciences
Resource typeReviews
PublisherDe Gruyter
Since Cajal introduced dendritic spines in the 19th century, they have attained considerable attention, especially in neuropsychiatric and neurologic disorders. Multiple roles of dendritic spine malfunction and pathology in the progression of various diseases have been reported. Thus, it is inevitable to consider these structures as new therapeutic targets for treating neuropsychiatric and neurologic disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, Down syndrome, etc. Therefore, we attempted to prepare a narrative review of the literature regarding the role of dendritic spines in the pathogenesis of aforementioned diseases and to shed new light on their pathophysiology.
Keyword(s)dendritic spines, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia
SCImago Journal Rank1.172

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