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open-access-imgOpen AccessInverse limits as attractors in parameterized families
Boyland Philip,
de Carvalho André,
Hall Toby
Publication year2013
Publication title
bulletin of the london mathematical society
Resource typeJournals
PublisherOxford University Press
We show how a parameterized family of maps of the spine of a manifold can be used to construct a family of homeomorphisms of the ambient manifold which have the inverse limits of the spine maps as global attractors. We describe applications to unimodal families of interval maps, to rotation sets, and to the standard family of circle maps.
Subject(s)attractor , combinatorics , computer science , construct (python library) , engineering , geometry , interval (graph theory) , inverse , inverse limit , manifold (fluid mechanics) , mathematical analysis , mathematics , mechanical engineering , parameterized complexity , programming language , pure mathematics
SCImago Journal Rank2.396

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