B ook R eview S ection
Publication year - 1977
Publication title -
personnel psychology
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 6.076
H-Index - 142
eISSN - 1744-6570
pISSN - 0031-5826
DOI - 10.1111/j.1744-6570.1977.tb02093.x
Subject(s) - psychology , management , economics
Book reviews in this article: A rgyris , C hris . Increasing. Leadership Effectiveness . M eltzer , H. and W ickert , F rederic R. (Editors) Humanizing Organizational Behavior . J aques , E lliot . A General Theory of Bureaucracy . K ipnis , D avid . The Powerholders . S wingle , P aul G. The Management of Power . C ooper , C ary L. (Editor) Developing Social Skills in Managers: Advances in Group Training . G laser , E dward M. Productivity Gains Through Worklife Improvement . Managing by Objectives Cassette/Workbook Program . K ory , R obert B. The Transcendental Meditation Program for Business People . A nstey , E dgar , F letcher , C live and W alker , J ames . Staff Appraisal and Development . P elz , D onald C. and A ndrews , F rank M. Scientists in Organizations: Productive Climates for Research and Development . H all , D ouglas T., B owen , D onald D., L ewicki , R oy J. and H all , F rancine S. Experiences in Management and Organizational Behavior . K ast , F remont E. and R osenzweig , J ames E. Experiential Exercises and Cases in Management . T osi , H enry L. and C arroll , S tephen J. Management: Contingencies, Structure, and Process . T osi , H enry L. (Editor) Readings in Management: Contingencies, Structure, and Process . Y uill , B ruce . Supervision: Principles and Techniques . T he C areer M anagement S ystem . Darien, Conn.: Management Decision Systems, Inc., 1976. Each of the following consists of two audio cassettes and workbook. Each is separately available. T rotta , M aurice S. Handling Grievances: A Guide for Management and Labor . P etrie , D onald J. Handling Employee Questions About Pay . Z awacki , R obert A. and W arrick , D. D. (Editors) Organization Development: Managing Change in the Public Sector . S pray , S. L ee . (Editor) Organizational Effectiveness: Theory, Research, and Application . L assey , W illiam R. and F ernandez , R ichard R. (Editors) Leadership and Social Change . G ardner , J ames E. Helping Employees Develop Job Skill: A Casebook of Training Approaches . P feiffer , J. W illiam , H eslin , R ichard and J ones , J ohn E. Instrumentation in Human Relations Training . M aier , N orman R. F. The Appraisal Interview: Three Basic Approaches . G runeberg , M ichael M. (Editor) Job Satisfaction—A Reader . M aloney , M ichael P. and W ard , M ichael P. Psychological Assessment: A Conceptual Approach . J ohnson , R ichard A., M onsen , R. J oseph , K nowles , H enry P. and S axberg , B orje O. Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction . H egarty , E dward J. How to Succeed in Company Politics . S chlei , B arbara L indemann and G rossman , P aul . Employment Discrimination Law . B auby , C athrina . Understanding Each Other: Improving Communication through Effective Dialogue . A merican I nstitutes for R esearch . Planning Career Goals: Career Handbook; Technical Bulletin No. 1; Counselor's Handbook; Student Guide; Test Battery, Answer Sheets and Examiner's Manual . B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . Consultation . B radford , L eland P. Making Meetings Work: A Guide for Leaders and Group Members . C arrington , P atricia . Freedom in Meditation . C ohen , A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences . C ooper , G ary L. (Ed.) Theories of Group Processes . D yer , L ee . (Ed.) Careers in Organizations: Individual Planning and Organizational Development . G etman , J ulius G., G oldberg , S tephen B. and H erman , J eanne B. Union Representation Elections: Law and Reality . G ilmer , B. von H aller and D eci , E dward L. Industrial and Organizational Psychology . H all , E dward T. Beyond Culture . H anan , M ack , B errian , H oward , C ribbin , J ames and D onis , J ack . Take‐Charge Sales Management: Successful First‐Year Strategies for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager . H anan , M ack , C ribbin , J ames and B errian , H oward . Sales Negotiation Strategies . H arris , O. J eff , J r. How to Manage People at Work: A Short Course for Professionals . Management Development Guide: The American Management Associations' Catalog of Courses (March‐August 1977) . M c C onkey , D ale D. How to Manage by Results . N ay , W. R obert . Behavioral Intervention: Contemporary Strategies . P eterson , D an . Safety Supervision . P orter , W ayne R. A Jobseeker's Guide to the Library . P orter , W ayne R. The Job‐Winning Application . P orter , W ayne R., L evine , E dward L. and F lory , A bram , III. Training and Experience Evaluation: A Practical Handbook for Evaluating Job Applications, Resumes and Other Applicant Data . S anders , M ark S. and M c C ormick , E rnest J. Workbook for Human Factors in Engineering and Design . W illiams , E lizabeth F riar . Notes of a Feminist Therapist .