Open Access
Study on the characterization technology of hiding power of powder coating
Author(s) -
Bing Xue,
Ran Yan,
Can Wang,
Zhang Huayuan,
Yongyong Yue,
Jing Luo
Publication year - 2021
Publication title -
journal of physics. conference series
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.21
H-Index - 85
eISSN - 1742-6596
pISSN - 1742-6588
DOI - 10.1088/1742-6596/1965/1/012046
Subject(s) - coating , materials science , powder coating , epoxy , dispersant , thermosetting polymer , polyester , composite material , reagent , suspension (topology) , dispersion (optics) , metallurgy , chemistry , mathematics , organic chemistry , physics , homotopy , pure mathematics , optics
In this paper, a method to characterize the hiding power of powder coating by dispersing powder coatings in various dispersants and brushing obtained suspension coating was studied. When colorless, transparent and low-viscosity reagents reagent, containing epoxy functional group, is used as the dispersant of TGIC polyester thermosetting powder coating, the hiding power of this kind of powder coating can be accurately determined. When the dispersion concentration of powder coating is in an appropriate range (mass fraction 32%-45%), the hiding power has nothing to do with the concentration, and the test results reflect the properties of powder coating itself.